How many times have people you love, like and respect rained on your parade? They may have told you that your business aspirations are way out of your league and that you’ll never make it.

Sadly discouragement of this kind is a familiar story. These people might love you, but this doesn’t mean that they always have your best interests at heart. Given an opportunity there are plenty of people around you who will knock your dreams for six if you let them!
They want you to fail because your success is their failure. It reminds them of their laziness, poor work ethic, small dreams and how much they hate their jobs. Their subtle barbs, and the withholding of encouragement, are aimed to keep you in an inferior state. No one wants to see someone rise at a faster rate than themselves.
Psychologists would agree that this behaviour reinforces and justifies their own inadequacies, by trying to divert you from positive change. These people may also fear that your success will positively change you and that they’ll somehow lose you. Whatever the reason, if you ask for support and get a consistently negative response, it’s a good idea to delve a little further and find out what’s really going on. What other people think and feel should never be the reason you do not do something that is right for you.
Other people’s opinions
One of the biggest challenges all entrepreneurs face is other people’s opinions. You’ll be criticised for giving up a solid career path and a good income, and for taking an unacceptable risk. Even when it is clearly apparent that you made the right choice, it is highly probable that you’ll still have to contend with negative comments.
Know who you can trust
It’s often very hard to know who you can trust and who genuinely wants you to succeed. Unfortunately, there will be very few who wish you well. Standing your ground and sticking at it will motivate you to make a success of things, and to enjoy the reward of freedom. It takes self-reliance, determination and single mindedness to grow a thick enough skin to deflect the naysayers and prove them all wrong. But it is worth it.
If you’re convinced you’re onto a winner don’t let yourself be put off. Look dispassionately at the business advice you are given by friends and family. Examine it out of context, without any of the associated emotion. They might be right. But they are equally likely to be wrong.
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