Aside from possessing one or more of the key attributes typically associated with successful entrepreneurs, (drive, creativity, vision, independent thinking, confidence, persistence, risk taking, goal orientation, positivity, leadership, work ethic, and the spark that make things happen), one of the most critical factors for success in business is simply the willingness to learn!

The importance of teachability
This teachability is particularly important if you feel some of the attributes above are lacking and you're determined to succeed.
It is your willingness to listen to experienced business professionals and to understand the business processes and then implement them that is really important. Being teachable could make the difference between success and failure.
You also need to accept that you don’t know it all. There is an inevitable learning curve and your attitude towards finding solutions, before making damaging mistakes, will be essential to your success.
There are unlimited resources out there providing invaluable guidance on running your own business and we would urge you to study and learn as much as you can before commencing.
Making decisions and being open-minded
Business is all about making decisions – making more right ones than wrong ones and making sure that you survive the process. It is also about being teachable and open-minded enough to get the help and advice you need to help you make those right decisions.
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