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2 min read
Why Self-Employment is the Ultimate Form of Empowerment
For some, the idea of self-employment is scary; views on entrepreneurship meaning lack of security, stability or certainty are common,...

2 min read
Why Franchising is the Best Route for First-Time Entrepreneurs
If you’re interested in running your own business but don’t know where to start, franchising can offer you the freedom and increased...

2 min read
How You Reap What You Sow
When you’re in the market for a business you need to take realistic expectations into account. If it looks too good to be true it almost...

2 min read
Why Your Own Mother May Want You To Fail
How many times have people you love, like and respect rained on your parade? They may have told you that your business aspirations are...

3 min read
Failure is NOT Essential for Business Success
The failure rate of new small businesses is significant. Nobody knows the exact figure, as it is harder to define the sole traders and...

2 min read
Are Entrepreneurs Born or Can Anyone Become One?
The standard definition of the word ‘entrepreneur’ is: A person who organises and operates a business enterprise, and through taking risk...

2 min read
Do You Have What it Takes?
Aside from possessing one or more of the key attributes typically associated with successful entrepreneurs, (drive, creativity, vision,...

2 min read
Showing Up is Your First Step to Independence
A leading recruitment company research reports that nearly 70% of people are completely miserable at work, and 1 in 2 think about...

2 min read
Why Passion is So Critical to Success
Some people are fortunate enough to recognise their gifts, talents and passions early on in life and either exploit them in a successful...

3 min read
Why Investing in the UK Domestic Cleaning Sector is a Smart Move
If you’re considering starting your own business, investing in the UK domestic cleaning sector could be one of the best decisions you...
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